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More about Valerie
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Valerie has a lifelong interest and passion for art and crafts, more than thirty years working in the holistic health field and several years experience designing and making jewellery.
Her wealth of knowledge and comprehensive skill-set, combined with that of Valerie's own life-journey and spiritual practice, have culminated in generating an organic, transformative and evolutionary process which inspires both her creative style and original flair.
Valerie has a finely-tuned awareness and sensitivity to colour and energy, which she puts to very good use when selecting crystals and gemstones, especially for their therapeutic properties and innate beauty.


At the moment, Valerie is busy working on a new jewellery collection, which she aims to have ready by early Summer. 


She has recently devised a new programme of wellness sessions in response to those who are struggling with, or have been adversely affected by local, national, or even global restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, we can all benefit from having a wellness session!


Valerie's deep intuitive knowing, together with her highly evolved levels of understanding, empathy and compassion, make her the ideal person to guide and support you through these uncertain times.

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