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What People Say...

Sarah, Somerset

Words cannot describe how I felt when I opened my soul portrait!  You have totally captured the essence of me! The reading is ​as beautiful as my portrait and I had tears streaming down my face when I read it. The words and the energy of the reading touched my heart so deeply it felt like I was finally accepted and understood. It was one of my most joyful moments.  Every word completely resonated with me and as I read it I also felt a mini awakening as I have been shown recently more about who I am and this confirmed it all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Words cannot express my gratitude and I am so happy you are sharing your wonderful gift with the world. Thank you from my heart to yours. Love and Blessing, Sarah

Adrian, Oxfordshire

I didn’t know what to expect when I received my soul painting from Val, but I didn’t expect this! I experienced a very deep and spiritual connection with my painting. As a working medium, I thought that I had experienced everything spiritual, but this was on a different level altogether. There was an immediate understanding of the painting and I feel that it fits my spirituality. ​The more I look at it, the deeper I am drawn in. I keep my soul painting in my sanctuary where I do my readings, and it changes and reflects my energy each day. It has become my spiritual barometer. The written interpretation that came with it is uncannily accurate. My spirit guide, Brother Jon is very impressed too! Thank you Val. With much love and gratitude. Adrian

Judi, Gloucestershire

I have known Val many years and therefore had high expectations for the soul painting she was going to paint for me. My expectations were surpassed!, I love the painting and the interpretation. They both resonate with me, and are very moving. The painting has so much depth, the colours are perfect. Somehow it manages to show movement and stillness. I also enjoy the way it changes in different lights and from different angles, it has so much life. Looking at it gives me a great sense of warmth and positivity, the painting and the interpretation are both so inspiring. So many healing qualities. My teenage daughter also loved it on sight and has asked for a soul painting for Christmas!! I am thrilled that she thinks so much of it and am so looking forward to seeing what Val will produce for her and delighted to be able to give my daughter something so special. As ever, thank you Val. With love, Judi

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